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Stats on
Caslon vs Palatino

people get this typeface pair right
of the time
this typeface pair has been seen
bayesian-adjusted average is

Top Players At Distinguishing These Typefaces

player right total bayesian
axxm 100% 229 95.9%
axm 97.9% 193 93.4%
swift 95.7% 231 92.1%
mervil 97.4% 117 90.6%
electricboogaloo 96.3% 108 89.3%
brandon 97.6% 85 88.8%
Jd 91.1% 202 87.6%
maybe 90.5% 211 87.2%
morrktus 89.6% 231 86.6%
kath61 89.7% 195 86.2%

Easiest Characters to Distinguish These Typefaces By

character   right total bayesian
Y pair stats 87.2% 415 81.6%
b pair stats 91% 156 79.8%
X pair stats 84.1% 371 79.5%
E pair stats 82% 384 78.4%
x pair stats 84.3% 172 77.7%
e pair stats 83.7% 184 77.6%
c pair stats 84% 175 77.6%
z pair stats 82.6% 201 77.4%
g pair stats 80.1% 352 77.2%
q pair stats 81.4% 221 77.1%
S pair stats 79.3% 348 76.8%
s pair stats 81.8% 170 76.7%
L pair stats 78.9% 384 76.7%
C pair stats 78.6% 393 76.6%
k pair stats 80.1% 211 76.4%
a pair stats 80.3% 183 76.3%
P pair stats 78.1% 389 76.3%
T pair stats 77.6% 393 76.0%
K pair stats 77.4% 411 75.9%
Q pair stats 76.7% 661 75.8%

Hardest Characters to Distinguish These Typefaces By

character   right total bayesian
M pair stats 52.7% 385 61.9%
O pair stats 57% 405 64.1%
A pair stats 60.7% 389 66.4%
B pair stats 62.6% 364 67.6%
H pair stats 62.7% 367 67.7%
R pair stats 63.4% 391 67.9%
D pair stats 64.7% 363 68.8%
N pair stats 65% 383 68.9%
u pair stats 62.7% 193 69.4%
I pair stats 66.2% 382 69.5%
v pair stats 63.3% 180 69.9%
i pair stats 64% 164 70.3%
o pair stats 64.9% 171 70.6%
V pair stats 68.4% 415 70.7%
w pair stats 66% 188 70.8%
y pair stats 68.3% 186 71.7%
l pair stats 69% 184 72.0%
m pair stats 70.3% 209 72.4%
U pair stats 72.3% 393 73.0%
d pair stats 73.3% 187 73.6%
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