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Typeface Statistics

Statistics on which typefaces are easiest or hardest to identify and which pairs of typefaces are easiest or hardest to distinguish. Click on an individual typeface or typeface pair to get more detail.

Easiest Typefaces to Identify

typeface right total bayesian
Georgia 95.9% 638,548 90.1%
Didot 90.2% 4,696,276 89.6%
Skia 95% 491,279 89.6%
Baskerville 91.1% 1,571,852 89.5%
Andale Mono 94.2% 383,707 89.2%
Courier New 96.6% 242,442 89.2%
Bembo 94.9% 256,592 89.0%
Palatino 94.2% 285,663 89.0%
Caslon 92.8% 317,494 88.9%
Garamond 89.2% 3,131,823 88.8%

Hardest Typefaces to Identify

typeface right total bayesian
Verdana 78.5% 5,450,718 81.1%
Helvetica Neue 79% 5,978,239 81.3%
Optima 85% 5,774,163 85.8%
Gill Sans 85% 2,112,716 86.6%
Times New Roman 86.9% 5,907,957 87.2%
Arial 85.4% 1,019,183 87.3%
Roboto 66.4% 61,376 87.6%
Futura 87.3% 3,841,799 87.6%
Trebuchet MS 86.8% 815,859 87.8%
Tahoma 86.5% 435,657 87.9%

Easiest Pairs of Typefaces to Distinguish

typeface pair right total bayesian
Didot vs Gill Sans 98.1% 229,025 96.0%
Futura vs Times New Roman 96.7% 538,964 95.9%
Baskerville vs Futura 98.8% 142,764 95.7%
Gill Sans vs Times New Roman 97.1% 227,625 95.3%
Didot vs Futura 95.9% 539,620 95.2%
Baskerville vs Helvetica Neue 97.9% 141,643 95.2%
Baskerville vs Verdana 97.8% 141,616 95.1%
Baskerville vs Gill Sans 97.6% 141,912 95.0%
Futura vs Garamond 95.7% 393,982 94.8%
Arial vs Didot 99.5% 69,626 94.6%

Hardest Pairs of Typefaces to Distinguish

typeface pair right total bayesian
Helvetica Neue vs Verdana 54.3% 994,763 57.5%
Gill Sans vs Verdana 64.5% 226,678 72.4%
Garamond vs Times New Roman 69.7% 394,541 73.9%
Futura vs Gill Sans 67.3% 227,714 74.4%
Arial vs Helvetica Neue 65.2% 161,373 74.9%
Futura vs Verdana 72.2% 537,273 75.1%
Gill Sans vs Helvetica Neue 69.7% 227,023 76.1%
Baskerville vs Times New Roman 69.6% 190,121 76.8%
Futura vs Helvetica Neue 76.1% 538,269 78.4%
Arial vs Verdana 60.7% 67,534 78.5%
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