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Stats on the Character X

people get this character right
of the time
this character has been seen
bayesian-adjusted average is

Ruler Of This Character

See all crowns.

Top Players At Identifying This Character

player right total bayesian
axxm 100% 1,114 99.6%
electricboogaloo 99.8% 806 99.3%
mervil 99.4% 644 98.7%
swift 99% 1,059 98.6%
astooge 100% 291 98.6%
axm 99% 938 98.6%
nomialchicken 99.5% 385 98.4%
kath61 98.7% 860 98.2%
@figonni 98.7% 594 98.0%
sidessai 98.4% 555 97.7%

Easiest Typefaces to Identify From This Character

typeface right total bayesian
Georgia 96.9% 20,963 90.4%
Didot 90.8% 178,517 90.1%
Skia 97.7% 15,359 90.1%
Baskerville 92.1% 56,457 90.1%
Courier New 96.8% 9,135 89.4%

Hardest Typefaces to Identify From This Character

typeface right total bayesian
Helvetica Neue 77.5% 225,042 80.2%
Verdana 77.5% 207,299 80.3%
Futura 85% 144,989 86.1%
Optima 85.8% 221,324 86.5%
Arial 83.5% 33,438 86.9%

Easiest Typeface Pairs to Distinguish With This Character

typeface pair right total bayesian
Didot vs Gill Sans 98.6% 8,789 96.6%
Futura vs Times New Roman 96.9% 20,649 96.1%
Gill Sans vs Times New Roman 97.8% 8,728 96.1%
Baskerville vs Futura 98.6% 5,451 95.9%
Baskerville vs Helvetica Neue 98.3% 5,298 95.7%
Baskerville vs Verdana 98.1% 5,228 95.5%
Baskerville vs Optima 98% 5,403 95.5%
Futura vs Garamond 96.3% 14,983 95.4%
Baskerville vs Gill Sans 97.8% 5,427 95.4%
Didot vs Futura 96% 20,634 95.4%

Hardest Typeface Pairs to Distinguish With This Character

typeface pair right total bayesian
Helvetica Neue vs Verdana 49.6% 38,599 53.2%
Futura vs Verdana 66.3% 20,602 70.1%
Futura vs Helvetica Neue 66.5% 20,712 70.2%
Garamond vs Times New Roman 66.6% 15,123 71.4%
Arial vs Helvetica Neue 52.3% 3,734 71.6%
Gill Sans vs Verdana 65.6% 8,598 73.3%
Gill Sans vs Helvetica Neue 67.4% 8,555 74.6%
Arial vs Verdana 48.9% 2,327 74.9%
Futura vs Gill Sans 71.5% 8,616 77.5%
Baskerville vs Times New Roman 69.7% 6,367 77.7%
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